

Discover LaBiGi fare that best meets your needs.

Basic fares

If you don't have any active subscription, you will automatically be charged at the basic fare.

Basic fares - Muscle bike

1 € / 30 min

1 € / 30 - 60 min

4 € / every 60 min extra

Basic fares - Electric bike

2 € / 30 min

3 € / 30 - 60 min

9 € / every 60 extra min


The subscription includes the rental of both muscle and electric bicycles.

Monthly subscription

€ 10 /month

The first 30 minutes of each trip are included

Muscle bike: 0,50 € / 30-60 min | 4 € / every 60 extra min

E-bikes: 1 € / 30-60 min | 9 € / every 60 extra min

Yearly subscription

€ 40 /year

The first 30 minutes of each trip are included

Muscle bike: 0,50 € / 30-60 min | 4 € / every 60 extra min

E-bikes: 1 € / 30-60 min | 9 € / every 60 extra min

Return costs

Muscle bike

Muscle bicycles can be returned to any official La BiGi station at no extra charge. There is an extra charge of 0.50 € for returning bicycles within the flex zone.

It is not permitted to return them outside the operating area, outside the stations or on private land, otherwise an extra of 20 € is charged.

Return in stations 0 €

Return in Flex Zone 0.50€

Return outside the operational area 20€


E-bikes may only be returned to the charging stations.

It is not permitted to return them outside the charging stations. In this event an extra of 20 € is cahrged.

Return at charging stations 0 €

Return outside the charging stations 20€