
Services for carrier drivers

The station

Bergamo Bus Station is located in via Bartolomeo Bono and consists of a square with 12 parking spaces for urban and suburban Local Public Transport (LPT) services, and of the "arrival lane" for medium-long-distance services (MPL) and rental/tourism services (NOL).

The bus station is located in the immediate vicinity of:

From the stop in front of the bus station there is also the Airport Bus, the direct connection between International Milan Bergamo Airport - BGY and Città Alta (ATB bus route nr. 1).

The bus station represents the terminus of most of the extra-urban lines departing/arriving in the Province of Bergamo and of some inter-provincial lines and, together with the other adjacent services, constitutes the intermodal pole of the city of Bergamo.

Unauthorized vehicles, especially private cars, are not allowed to enter the bus station area.
Cars may use the adjacent bus station parking lot.

Ticket office and other services

The station is equipped with a ticket office that sells tickets for all urban and suburban Bergamo Local Public Transport carriers, as well as some medium and long-distance carriers.
The ticket office service is provided from Monday to Friday, from 06.00 to 19.00, and on Saturdays, from 07.00 to 19.00.
Starting from Monday 22nd April 2024 the opening time will become from Monday to Friday, from 06.15 to 19.00, and on Saturdays, from 07.15 to 19.00.
The structure of the bus station also includes a waiting room and some commercial activities that offer catering services.

Toilets are located on the second floor and can also be reached by elevator.
In the Bus Station area is active the public wi-fi service for free surfing of the City of Bergamo. For information visit Bergamo Wifi.

Access for disabled people

The pedestrian path inside the bus station is fully accessible also by people with reduced mobility (PRM) as the bus station is barrier-free (all differences in height are eliminated by means of slides that can be used by baby carriages and baby carriages).
The bus station is equipped with toilets, located on the second floor and accessible by elevator.
The pedestrian routes are indicated in the planimetry.

Guest and travellers

The bus station is located in the immediate vicinity of the railway station, of the terminus of the TEB (Bergamo - Albino tramway link), of the Arriva Italia - Bergamo operating unit (terminus of some suburban lines of the Province of Bergamo), as well as of the Bus Station car park, of one of the stalls of the bikesharing service La BiGi (on the side of Piazzale degli Alpini), of an interchange point of the car sharing service E-Vai and of the cab station.

Bus Station car park

Next to the bus station there is a car park, owned by Bergamo Municipality and managed by ATB Mobilità. It offers 153 parking spaces, of which 3 reserved for disabled people and 100 for subscribers to the Local Public Transport service. For the latter, in case of monthly subscription, the rate is discounted by 20%.
The parking lot is open from 6.00 a.m. till 9 p.m.
For further information visit Bus Station car park page.

Bike sharing La Bigi

Near the bus station, on viale Papa Giovanni XXIII/Piazzale degli Alpini there is also one of the stalls of the bikesharing service La BiGi.

Terms and conditions for travellers

The sidewalks of the bus station are reserved for passengers and any accompanying persons, who are required to circulate within the area exclusively in the dedicated spaces, to use the appropriate pedestrian walkways and to strictly comply with the signs (horizontal, vertical and possibly manual).
It is expressly provided that:

  • ATB Mobilità S.p.A. (Station Manager) is not liable for any damage (even in the event of accidents involving Medium or Lond Distance operators or Public Transport operators) or theft caused by third parties to persons, things and/or vehicles parked or in transit inside the terminal;
  • It is forbidden to leave one's own luggage unattended; therefore, under no circumstances will ATB Mobilità S.p.A. be liable for any theft or damage;
  • it is forbidden to cross the bus transit lanes except through the crosswalks;
  • inside the terminal it is forbidden to hold meetings and assemblies, as well as to promote or carry out commercial, religious or recreational activities, unless prior written authorization from ATB Mobilità S.p.A. has been communicated to the Police;
  • it is expressly forbidden to engage in any kind of street vending activity of any kind or form, unless prior written authorisation has been given by ATB Mobilità S.p.A. to the Police and the Municipality of Bergamo;
  • it is forbidden to display, install and distribute notices, signs, advertising, propaganda and similar posters of any shape and size, unless prior written authorisation has been given by ATB Mobilità S.p.A., which has the right to order the removal of unauthorised advertising media at the offenders' expense;
  • it is forbidden to annoy other users of the terminal;
  • it is forbidden to behave or dress in such a way as to undermine the public decorum of the bus station.

The Information Plan of the Bus Station (PIA) can be downloaded in its complete form.

Information on transport services and rights of passengers travelling by bus and coach

Below are the carriers authorized to stop at Bergamo Bus Station.
On their respective websites, passengers can find the general conditions of carriage, the channels and methods of contact for complaints, information on tickets and the timetables of the lines passing through Bergamo Bus Station.

Local Public Transport Carriers

Medium and Long Distance Carriers

Passenger rights are guaranteed by the individual operators who provide the transport service.
The Bus Station Manager is not responsible for any damage and/or inconvenience caused by the carriers.
It is possible to download Regolamento UE 181-2011 regarding Passenger Rights.
It is possible to submit reports/complaints to the Regulatory Authority for Transport, pursuant to Regulation (EU) no. 181/2011, concerning passengers' rights in bus and coach transport, only after having submitted a complaint to the carrier and after 90 days from the submission.
The complaint may be forwarded by:

Bus company operators

In order to gain access to the bus station it is necessary to follow the instructions in the Bus Station Information Plan (PIA), sending the required documentation and, subject to acceptance by ATB Mobility (Bus Station Manager), signing the relevant contract attached to the PIA.

Access to the Bus Station will not be granted to carriers who do not carry out the above-mentioned procedure, providing the required data and signing the relevant contract, as provided for by the PIA. The data to be sent to ATB Mobility ( are summarized in the attached Expression of Interest, which must be accompanied by the Operating Plan and the vehicle master data.

Spaces from 1 to 12 are reserved for Local Public Transport operators (TPL).
The "arrival lane" is available for Medium Long distance services (MLP) and rental with driver/tourism (NOL).

Idle parking is never allowed.

The rates currently in force, defined by the City of Bergamo, can be consulted in the PIA.