
How to move around the city by public transport

Bergamo public transport connects Bergamo city with BGY Airport, allows people to visit the main places of interest, but also to reach the valleys and the entire province.

Operators within Bergamo province

Bergamo province is served by 4 consortia: ATB Consorzio scrl, Bergamo Trasporti EST scarl, Bergamo Trasporti Ovest scarl and Bergamo Trasporti Sud scarl.
ATB Consorzio runs public transport services within the Urban Area that includes Bergamo and 29 municipalities, the other consortia run the public transport within the Suburban Area.

Urban Area service

ATB Consorzio runs public transport services within the Urban Area that includes Bergamo and 29 municipalities.
The service includes 13 lines carried out by buses, two funiculars (Bergamo Bassa - Bergamo Alta e Bergamo Alta - San Vigilio) and T1 Bergamo - Albino tramway managed by TEB Tramvie Elettriche Bergamasche. ATB Consorzio guarantees also the direct link Città Alta, lower city, Bergamo station and BGY Airport.

The Urban Area includes the municipalities of Bergamo, Albano Sant’Alessandro, Albino, Almè, Almenno San Salvatore, Alzano Lombardo, Azzano San Paolo, Curno, Dalmine, Gorle, Grassobbio, Lallio, Mozzo, Nembro, Orio al Serio, Osio Sopra, Paladina, Pedrengo, Ponteranica, Ponte San Pietro, Ranica, Scanzorosciate, Seriate, Sorisole, Stezzano, Torre Boldone, Torre de’ Roveri, Treviolo, Valbrembo, Villa d’Almè, Villa di Serio.
Albino,  Almenno San Salvatore, Nembro and Pradalunga municipalities, although they belong to the Suburban Area, benefit from the Urban Area services carried out by ATB Consorzio and TEB.

Discover here how the system works.

Suburban Area service

Bergamo Trasporti Est, Bergamo Trasporti Ovest and Bergamo Trasporti Sud consortia run the public transport within the Suburban Area. To know the details about the municipalities served visit Bergamo Trasporti web site.

Carta della Mobilità

Carta della Mobilità is the document that reports characteristics, principles, achievements and goals of ATB Consorzio service within the Urban Area.

The document is written and published in italian only.

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