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Travelling by public transport

ATB and TEB network services connect the city of Bergamo with the 29 surrounding municipalities and provide access to the Milan Bergamo Airport - BGY, major city sights, and connections to the valleys.

Find the nearest and discover the opening hours

With the app buy your ticket in a few steps and use it when you need it

Discover the Passa Vai service. All you need is a bank card

Do you regularly use public transport to get around the city?

Discover all the advantages of our passes

Getting around Bergamo by car

Limited traffic zones and parking lots. Here you will find all the information you need to get around the city

View Limited Traffic Zones and their operating times on the map

See on the mapp the blue-striped parking spaces within Bergamo city, parking structures and unattended, free incentive parkings connected to the city center by buses and trams

Discover all payment methods

Do you regularly park within the city?

Discover how to subcribe for a parking pass

Getting around Bergamo by bicycycle

La BiGi is the city bike sharing service for your home-work or leisure transfers. Flexible, reliable and convenient. Change your lifestyle!

ATB Mobile app

With ATB Mobile you can find public transport routes and timetables within Bergamo and its surrounding municipalities, purchase tickets, receive information about parkings, LTZs and the bike sharing La BiGi service. Everything on your smartphone.

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Bergamo Bus Station

Bergamo Bus Station is located in via Bartolomeo Bono and consists of a square with 12 parking spaces for urban and suburban Local Public Transport (LPT) services, and of the "arrival lane" for medium-long-distance services (MPL) and rental/tourism services (NOL).

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